Journal of Norrathian Travels January 2004
2004.01.25 |
Today was a slower day. I wasn't feeling my
best, so I took things easy and tried not to take on too much stress
at a time. After a while of running about and checking my
reputation in a few remaining locations, I joined in a North Ro
Adventure with Avengers and a Shaman and Bard. We had some
difficulties with the Bard pulling too many, and after his
third death, Sarneho took over pulling, and we achieved our
goal in the last ten or fifteen minutes of the allotted
After the Adventure, the rest of the evening
was spent testing the effectiveness and amount of effort for raising
my reputation with a few factions. I was deeply hated by the
Erudite Heretics of Paineel for my lack of evil and
some past indiscretions in bringing a few of
their questionable members to justice. I spent sometime
under an hour running from one side of The Warrens to the other and
back again, clearing the mangy kobolds out. They fell very quickly,
and I managed to remove several hundred before emerging and claiming
the respect due for the service to the community. The Heretics were
satisfied to forgive me my past and non-evil nature, and will now
permit me to walk among them unimpeded. They regard me somewhat
dubiously, but such is an improvement from chasing me out of their
town at bladepoint.
After securing my reputation among the
Heretics, I headed to my very old home of the Faydark, and
experimented with my level of reputation with the Emerald
Warriors, Storm Guard, and Scouts of Tunare. Apparently I have not
reached the pinnacle of my reputation with any of the three, and the
stingy roguish Scouts have given me no credit for any past
accomplishments on behalf of my kind. I will eventually have to
prove myself to them separately. I am not certain what can be
done for the bardic Songweavers in town, for they care not what
happens outside their doors, and will not normally become friendly
with any but members of their own guild. We shall see if theirs is a
lost cause. | |
2004.01.24 |
Today wasn't quite as exciting as yesterday,
but there was nothing to complain about. I visited Erudin, the city
of the human-related Erudites on the island continent of Odus. I'm
getting along nicely in verifying my reputation with the various
factions of Norrath et cetera. After conversing with several
persons representing the various factions of the Erudite city, I
moved on to a few of the nature folk. I made the run from
Qeynos to South Karana, then Lake Rathetear, and finally the Rathe
Mountains before finally finding the elusive Unkempt Druids. I had
forgotten where they resided, and followed poor directions from the
Qeynos area locals.
Once I finally shot the breeze with a pair
of the Unkempt Druids (who certainly deserved the name... they
smelled like wild animals), Xumten raised the call among the
Avengers that he had found a certain gnome he had been waiting
for in the Steamfont Mountains regarding the Ragebringer... a very
powerful and difficult to obtain Roguish epic weapon, akin to my own
hard earned Swiftwind. A group of us gathered in the Mountains to
meet this gnome and to bring justice to an evil rogue named Renux
Herkanor that only he could lead us to.
We talked over strategies while we prepared,
and it was decided that I would keep the rogue so enraged with my
ensnaring abilities that she would chase me all across the
mountains, while the remainder of the party wore her down from
behind. It was difficult, as she was very clever and managed to
resist many of my attempts to ensnare her, but I finally got her
with my most powerful entrapment, and she was ours. Justice was
swiftly done, and she was banished from the realm of Norrath. Xumten
was a step closer to acquiring Ragebringer.
After congratulating Xumten and dispersing,
I headed over to the Butcherblock Mountains and embarked on another
Mistmoore dungeon Adventure with a group of Avengers and Tharbad, a
Half Elf Bard. We were swift in our freeing of the tortured undead
souls from the catacombs, and reached our goal in thirty-five
After that Adventure, I contributed to
several more throughout the night, in Everfrost, North Ro, and
finally Guk (South Ro) with Foxanudo and Klim and three others. I
really would like to do more Adventuring in the dungeons of Guk.
There are great pieces of armour that I can earn from the Wayfarers
for performing the undead froglok clearing services there.

After the final Guk Adventure, our group was
preparing for one more run, but we decided we were too tired, and
to turn in. Until
tomorrow! | |
2004.01.23 |

Today marked an accomplishment for the
Avengers in Faith. When I appeared in the world for the
day, we already knew what our plan was, and had already begun
to gather... we were headed to the Ruins of Old Sebilis this
evening, to challenge and defeat the ancient and unloved undead
dragon Trakanon. We had never challenged this being in his regular
form before, and reveled in the prospect of challenge, reward, and
the reputation of having defeated him.
Once our force was mustered at the Sebilis
entrance, we commenced the journey into the deepest area, defeating
hordes of frogloks as they challenged our descent. These
frogloks were very different from the new race of Frogloks that
recently established themselves in the once-Troll city of
Grobb, now renamed Gukta. Not too far into the cavernous region was
a bridge over some rather repulsive green liquid. It was said that
this waterway would be our most unattractive route to the lair of
the dragon. While most definitely not
thinking about what the water might be, we took the dive en masse
and followed Sceaduwulf, our experienced scout leader, into the
sewers of Sebilis.
We emerged in an area resembling an old
prison, now inhabited of course by more frogloks, and now strange
creatures of fungus, nicknamed shrooms for their mushroom-like
appearance. These challenged us and fell quickly enough, and once
all found their proper way out of the foul liquid, we moved on,
following Sceaduwulf through twists and passages, ever deeper in
towards our goal. After more twists than I can remember now,
we emerged in a stone room. This room was surprisingly well
fashioned, and much less ravaged by muck, slime, and time than the
areas we had passed through thus far. Much care had been put
into the shaping of this room some long forgotten time ago... now
only mindless Frogloks keep it tended, wasted.
This room would prove to be our preparation
area for the assault on Trakanon. The far wall of the room was a
ruse... a passageway therin led to the final passage to Trakanon's
cavernous room. He was near enough that had he been still alive
and not undead, we would surely hear him scratching and growling
from his resting point. The drums of readiness and
anticipation beat a steady rhythm in all our hearts as those with
ties to the mystic arts used their abilities to strengthen us as
much as possible. We especially protected ourselves as we could
against the dragon's dangerous poison.
We knew that besides a few remaining
frogloks, one small army of creatures yet stood between us and our
goal: Juggernauts. We had fought a few on our way in from the
outside, and Raphayl the Human Monk was fortunate enough to have
been awarded an Undead Dragon Sinew, a trophy sought after by the
Sarnaks of Chardok. I hope she is able to acquire the other trophies
they desire for the trading of the coveted Spirit Wracked
After the nearby juggernauts were felled, we
moved in to a broken bridge across a small lake of more foul
greenish liquid. Using my own mystical abilities I saw through
the eyes of our scout and a few last remaining juggernauts across
the bridge... and was presented with an eyeful of a most fearsome
looking beast... there, across the bridge and around a corner,
lay our ultimate challenger this evening... the undead dragon
Trakanon himself. As I watched from the eyes of others, Raphayl
proceeded in her attempt to pull the few remaining juggernauts away
from the dragon, so we would not have to worry about them aiding him
against us when we fought him.
Unfortunately, the dragon noticed her
attempts, and she did not see it. He followed her and the
juggernauts around the corner where we waited, but we were not ready
for them all. Once the cry that Trakanon was coming rang out,
our clerics quickly camped out of the world in preparation for
recovering from the massacre that was to come. Those who could
feign death in an attempt to save themselves did so. The rest of us
tried to make to a safe distance and go down with as much honour as
could be preserved. I myself stumbled from the walkway where we were
gathered onto a rock outcropping out of the lake, and was not able
to make my way back up to the group nor camp out before I was felled
by four of the beasts. We had been defeated by a most unfortunate
happenstance. But we would not be giving up after the one
We waited for a long while to see if we
could recover and muster for a second attempt at the dragon from
where we had fallen, but it was not to be. After several attempts by
our death feigners and clerics to pick up the pieces and resurrect
the dead, we were completely wiped out. We gathered ourselves
and made a run back to the Ruins for the messy sort of recovery. Our
Shadow Knights used their control over death to summon our fallen
corpses from deep inside the cavern to where we gathered at the
entrance, and our clerics resurrected us as we geared up for the
second assault.
It was much the same going back in the
second time, but we all knew what to expect this time, and the going
was much quicker. Once back in the strangely undamaged stone room
again, we strengthened ourselves in preparation for the
battle. Raphayl resumed the pulling of the juggernauts from
Trakanon's lair, and though he noticed her once more, she saw it
this time and managed to prevent him from following all the way to
our force. After he returned to his place and the remainder of his
guards were down, we moved on to the bridge and across, and awaited
the call to engage him.
There were a few juggernauts and an old
froglok remaining in the huge chamber above the green lake, but we
would not be disturbing them. Our opponent was too near to waste any
more time on others. The battle cry rang out, and we rounded
the corner where Solaxx the Human Warrior began to engage the beast
in battle. Once Solaxx had sufficiently distracted the dragon
such that he noticed the rest of us not, the remainder of our
force proceeded to engage him. Trakanon was weak in his
ancient rot and apathy, and he fell quickly.

We cheered in our success and the rewards
that followed. Three of us were each awarded a tooth of the slain
beast, a prize required by the spirit Emperor Ganak in exchange for
the key to Veeshan's Peak, a lair of much more fearsome dragons than
Trakanon. A second Sinew was also found, and awarded to
Gravelor, the Iksar Shadow Knight. Sceaduwulf received Mrylokar's
Breastplate, a coveted piece for Rogues. A Blood Ember Breastplate
for Shadow Knights was also found and stored away for later
It was a most adventurous night, and after
cheering each other again, we dispersed.
I continued a bit more work on my Faction
Compilation and, when I could stay awake no longer, I turned in
for the night. | |
2004.01.22 |
I travelled around the world a bit
working on my Norrathian faction compilation for a while
before getting a call for some fun and action in the
Plane of Valor. I finished up what I was doing and headed over to
the Plane, tracking my friends to a western cavern and slipping by
the creatures along the corridors. Xumten the Gnomish Rogue heeded
the call with me, but was unfortunately detected and clobbered by
one of the stone faceted inhabitants. Nral the Trollish Shadow Knight and I slinked
about the caverns attempting to find his corpse, and I finally located it behind
some rocks. I dragged it to where our party was happily fighting
and defeating various creatures of rock and greenish scales, and we proceeded to have
some fun, carefully avoiding the silent stone menace across the cavernous room, apparently named
The Sleep Walker.
I had earned about 5% towards my next combat
level there before enough Avengers started appearing in
the world to qualify as a raiding force. The presence of The
Sleep Walker was made known, and the call arose to meet the
challenge. We gathered in the cave, a mighty group of talented
friends. Shantar the (sometimes) Koada'Dal Enchanter took a defeat
when his attempt to put the Walker's guards to sleep was
unfortunately discovered and thwarted, but we recovered quickly and
Giocoso the Feir'Dal Bard managed to succeed in his own attempt with
his lullabies. With his guards asleep, we challenged The Sleep
Walker, and in a matter of minutes we took him down
like a pile of so many stones. We made the
encounter look easier than it was. We cheered in our success,
the rewards were distributed, and most dispersed. A few of us stayed
for a few minutes to see if we could muster a sufficient group to
continue the fighting in the cave with its regular inhabitants, but
a healer and slower were not to be found, so we left.
I worked a little more on my faction
compilation before Ainolin the Feir'Dal Bard called a few of us
together for a romp in the relatively newly discovered area in the
caverns of Solusek... commonly nicknamed Sol C. We never all made it
to the dungeon together. Ainolin had a difficult
time maintaining his presence in the world,
involuntarily vanishing three times. He
apparently gave up on returning after the third
disappearance, while Nral and I were still attempting to
figure out how to find the proper entrance to the dungeon,
as there are apparently two, one from Lord Nagafen's Lair, and one
from its neighboring cavern system, Solusek's Eye. I actually
managed to accidentally find my way out of the caves altogether and
back into the Lavastorm Mountains in my wandering. After it was
understood that Ainolin would not be returning to lead the romp, we decided to give
it a try at a later date. Sceaduwulf the Tier'Dal Rogue twice met defeat at
the hands of gangs of youngling creatures while working on extricating herself from the place. I
felt for her. I had already left the area by the time Sceaduwulf's trouble had
begun, but Foxanudo the Erudite Necromancer forsook her not, and helped her out.
He earned my respect for his efforts, and I'm certain
Sceaduwulf greatly appreciated his aid.
After leaving the caverns of
Solusek behind, I returned once more to work on my
Norrathian faction compilation, then wound up heading to the Plane
of Nightmares with Tigran the Barbarian Shaman and Nral for
some fun and fighting in the Hedge Maze of that Plane. It turned out
to be a lot of fun, indeed, and the entire time was very peaceful.
We pulled in single opponents and brought them down for a good three
hours, and I earned another 15% towards Level 63 there before
we three were too tired to continue, and left for the
night. We attempted to leave the easy way, with Thelin Poxbourne
meeting his scripted fate of falling to the creatures of the maze and our party being
ejected to the graveyard, but though Thelin fell, we remained. Two potions
and a spell sufficed, though, and the three of us went our separate ways.
I left with 25% remaining to 63. The true nature of my walk in
the world will finally begin once I attain Level 65 and acquire the magical abilities called Endless
Quiver and Archery Mastery.
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